AIDs symptoms assisted through nutrition in study
AIDs is an auto-immune disease. It makes sense that supporting your immune system through nutrition rather than destroy it through toxic pharmaceutacals, is going to be beneficial.
In this study published in The Lancet 1994 more than 1000 pregnant women with AIDs in Tanzania were given a simple cheap synthetic multi-vitamin.
Vitamins Reduce Fetal Deaths, Improve Immune Status of Pregnant Women with HIV
The results show that there was a 40% reduction in fetal deaths, and an increase in birth weight, as well as an improvement in the mother's immune systems. So nutrition helps HIV - the drugs for HIV/AIDs make those that take them very ill, financially as well as physically.
We know that nutrients required by the body for optimal health go beyond vitamin supplements. How much better would these women have done with a full regeime of supplement support?
Why were the results of this study not shouted from the mountain tops? Money. Someone will lose money if you don't by the drugs.
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