Saturday, January 28, 2006

Six fruits a day, may keep strokes away

Six fruits a day, may keep strokes away

These days who eats 6 servings of fruit a day. So the only way I see to get that is to eat a quality supplement. Go here to see a full range of quality supplements that we take ourselves. (They also suggest that 7-20 servings help prevent other ills like cancer as well, so check out the antioxidants on this page)
Glyconutrient Supplements"

Asthma now hits one in 10 children, study says

Asthma now hits one in 10 children, study says

1 in 10 kids have asthma! These are terrible statistics. Our environment and diet have changed drastically. Read how dietary supplements can affect your health. Glyconutrients and your health

Saturday, January 21, 2006

India Digitizes Age-Old Wisdom

In an effort to combat the patenting what was once unpatentable - life, living things, genes, organizms, seeds as well as the copywriting things that have been in use a substancial amount of time, India is registering its ancient wisdom. In order to protect the use and continuation of ancient wisdom and long used traditional healing remedies, including herbs, and yoga moves, India is creating a data base with this information. Go India.

To learn more about this issue, order this DVD entitled "The Future of Food". I guarrantee that you will encounter some eyebrow raising insights. It will change your purchasing habits and cause you to make different product choices.

To order the DVD click here:

Click to read the full news story:.
India Digitizes Age-Old Wisdom

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Eat To Live: Spice up your health

Eat To Live: Spice up your health

OK here's a bit about diet and health, something different. Bland american style food, is missing the spice and phytochemicals that can help reduce cancer. Preliminary studies show that tumeric, used in many East Indian dishes, has potential against prostrate cancer. Prostrate cancer so prevalent in the west is very low in India. So spice up your life, eat interesting and nurtrtious foods, and maybe you'll live longer.

Exercise Fends Off Dementia in Older Adults - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today

Exercise Fends Off Dementia in Older Adults - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today

Exercise shown to reduce the risk of dementia by 30-40%. It goes to show that a healthy body can lead to a healthy mind. Execise and diet leading to a better life, hmmmm maybe they will find a drug that will do the same thing. (sorry just being sarcastic, I think it's not how long you live, it's the quality of life along the way. Being kept alive in a hospital bed by drugs isn't my idea of quality of life. Soooo do what you can now to increase the age of disablility)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Diabetes risk increases with processed meats

Eating processed meats increases diabetes risk, study finds

Study of over 46,000 men shows that one is 46% more likely to develop type-2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes) if consuming processed meats. The more you consume, the greater the risk.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cleanse and refresh: DETOX I Salt baths, yoga and herbs can help undo damage from the season of excess

Cleanse and refresh: DETOX I Salt baths, yoga and herbs can help undo damage from the season of excess

Cleansing baths are very helpful. Using Himalayan salt is especially good. Watch for more information from me on that shortly.

AOL News - Willie Nelson Markets 'BioWillie' Fuel

AOL News - Willie Nelson Markets 'BioWillie' Fuel

Willie Nelson doesn't just express his opinion over things he sees in the world that need changing, he does something about it. Creation of BioWillie bio fuel is his response to the Iraq war and to his support for family farmers.

I wish everyone would step out on some things, and support those who do try to make a difference.