Suddenly sick
People, please pay attention. Please people, think a little bit. I do not want to offend anyone, but think before you pop that pill that your doctor just gave to you.
Read this article and come back here to read more about this.
The Seattle Times: Health: The hidden big business behind your doctor's diagnosis
See also "The Big Pharma" and other postings on this blog.
Support your body with proper nutrition. Read, learn, grow. Good health is an active pursuit, not a passive result. There is no magic pill to fix years of toxin assault, lack of exercise, poor eating choices, foods depleted of nutrients, and the stressful lifestyles of the modern world. But there are some phenomenal nutrtional supplements available. Do your research and reading, and find some, stick with it, and expect a healing / detoxification crisis.
Your body can restore, repair and rebuild to optimal health provided you give it the resources to do so.