Friday, May 19, 2006

NEWS Report: Vioxx risk seen with short-term use

Doesn't it seem that every time you read a newspaper or turn on the news there is more information about a drug that has been proven not just toxic, but absolutely dangerous? And another drug company that has bent the truth in it's reports to the authorities about the safety and efficacy of it's formulation. Vioxx risk seen with short-term use Data showed all patients who took painkiller faced increased heart risk

Isn't it disheartening to put your faith and trust in a health care system that is being exposed like this time and again? Unfortunately it may sometimes be necessary to pop a pill for an ill when it has gone out of control.

The health care industry should be renamed the "sickness care" industry - because you only go when you are sick. (or rather, when your symptoms are serious enough to notice.)

Take care of your body - you only get one. - your body is made to restore, rebuild and repair itself with food. With natural substances.

Not so many years ago, the average person spent 50% of their income on food. Now our food is very inexpensive compared to that! But we should reasonably make sure that we are eating as best as we can, and with all of the nutrients that we need.

Its worth the time and trouble and money to supplement and research good supplements. Why? Because if your body breaks down, you can't turn exchange it for another one!


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