I was unable to find the web source this article, I guess it is too new. But it has come through on some news health ezines, and that's where I got it. I don't want to lose the reference, so I have copied the article in it's entirty.
In spite of the headline, I know some will continue to use steroids because the pull of the win, and the competition is a powerful draw. People will continue to do things that they know are unsafe for them if it changes their appearance, or gives them a competitive edge, perhaps arguing that everyone else is doing it, so they have to.
Steroid rage may last for years
Source: UPI
BOSTON (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say anabolic steroids may flip the adolescent brain's switch for aggression and keep it there for years.
An animal study by Northeastern University researchers, published in February's Behavioral Neuroscience, suggests that anabolic steroids not only make teens more aggressive, but may keep them that way into young adulthood.
Neuroscientists say the aggressiveness may last long enough to create serious behavioral problems for adults.
Richard Melloni Jr., and his colleagues at Northeastern University in Boston speculate that drug use during a critical window in brain development can change their wiring for good.
"Because the developing brain is more adaptable and pliable, steroids could change the trajectory if administered during development," he said in a release.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that nearly half a million eighth- and 10th-grade students abuse anabolic steroids each year.
Copyright 2006 by United Press International