Monday, January 26, 2004

We hosted a Robbie Burns dinner last night. I found the menu on the following page. The reason we decided to have a dinner, was a haggis given to us by Gordon Sinclair, famous Calgary haggis hurler. I'd never eaten haggis before, but his was delicious, a little like sausage mixed with oatmeal.
Robert Burns Tribute - Burns Supper, Haggis, Poems and more
I made cock a leekie soup, neeps, tatties and tipsie laird, and of course the haggis from Gordon's Fine Meats. Our friend who lived in Scotland for a couple of years came, and he had never been to such a dinner while living in Aberdeen and wondered why people had such dinners. Here you can read all about Robbie Burns.
Home of the World Burns Club


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