Friday, May 20, 2005

Stem Cell Debate Splits House Republicans

Embryotic stem cell research has already been approved in Canada. And it will be soon in the US. This is hugely controversial because of the ethics of using a human life to save another human life. In some facets of the debate, opinions are based on which side of the "when does a fetus become a human life" issue.

But another part of the controversy not very well publicized are the disasterous effects of the attempts and the long term effects of stem cell transplants.

There are 400,000 frozen embryos in North America - waiting for bills to pass (of course, US pharmaceutical companies can now do their research in their branches in Canada).

AOL News - Stem Cell Debate Splits House Republicans

Here is an interesting aspect of the issue, given proper nutrition, your body produces its OWN stem cells - in your eyes, in your bone marrow... It just doesn't always know what do with them - again, without proper nutrition. Your cells' communication system needs to be in place to send the stem cells where they need to go. With this proper cell communication system, stem cells can even cross over the blood brain barrier in order to replenish, replace dead brain cells.

Read more about how supplementation can help stem cell production in your body here:
Stem cells


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