SPECT - scanning - A look inside the brain - real test subject images
Here's one chapter on how various drugs and alcohol affect the brain.
Select from the other chapters to view how dementia, trauma, depression, and even violence affect the brain. Bipolar, anxiety, depression - etc.
The brain is an organ like any other. Think of that in terms of having a kidney infection, an inflamed liver, or an upset stomach. Much more complex, in that everything you focus on creates peptides and endorphines, and hormones, that course throughout the body affecting the function of all of the other organs (including the brain).
So your health and nutrition affect your brain and subsequently - behaviour, and the choices you make to focus on different things, affect your brain's health and your body's health in general.
Also, when you choose to injest different chemical substances (whether recreationally or pharmaceutically) affect that delicate balance as well. Previously this was all open to very strong debate, but now there is photo evidence.
Can your brain be healed? I believe it can. Proper nutrition, the essential nutrients are key. It is not enough to eat healthy and stop injesting the toxic substances. Our environment is toxic. We must be proactive, and realize that we are in a battle with the environment and the industry produced toxins, and shockingly reduced nutrients in our food.
Some toxins are in EACH and EVERY person on the planet, in every river and stream and every animal and plant. There is hope. There are answers. But you must be proactive.
E Bread
Good news for your healthy future exists in the midst of all of the bad health news.
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